
Profile picture of Kelly
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Quick Introduction

Kelly attends a Fremont, CA school in 11th grade expecting to graduate in 2025.


Contact Information


Kelly's coursework includes:
  • AP Calculus BC
  • AP US History
  • AP English Language and Composition
  • AP Physics 1


No skills added



UC Berkeley ATDP Web Design and Web Development TA - ~150 total hours committed - Led a group of middle to high school students learning HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, Javascript - Assisted with grading, answering questions, and providing feedback - Skills important to being a role model: patience, approachability, responsibility, building trust
Math Club Vice President (previously Publicity Officer) - Assist in logistics of running Math Club - Wrote 5+ unique problems for annual Math Bowl competition - organize AMC and AIME contests - 2x AIME Qualifier
Associated Student Government Junior Class President (previously Sophomore Class President) - Junior Homecoming: 1st place: spirit; 2nd place: bench building, class dance, lip sync - Led 50+ student class council in preparation for homecoming - 50+ hours during 15+ bench-building sessions for homecoming decorations - Assisted in planning and executing 5+ ASG Ad-Hocs: Homecoming Week, Winter Week, Versus Week, etc - Raised over $100 for our class through fundraisers - Learned skills: communication, delegation, time management
Book Club Founder and President - Founded Irvington's Book Club my freshman year - Annual Holiday Book Drive: partnered with Reader to Reader and collected 200+ books to donate to underprivileged students during holiday season - Reach 250+ people through our Instagram (@irvingtonbookclub) - Skills important to serving in an executive position: consistency, time management, responsibility, proactivity, delegation
Viking Hacks Lead Organizer - Irvington’s first student-run hackathon; free and beginner-friendly - Reached out for sponsorships: AOPS, Greenlight, 1Password, Interview Cake, etc - Organized workshops from guest speakers: Intro to Web Dev and The Future of AI
Ohlone Hacks Lead Organizer - Bay Area hackathon hosted at Ohlone College - 100+ participants, 25+ projects submitted, 10+ sponsors


ML Hacks - 1st Place Overall and Best Social Good Hack - Developed teen mental health logging IOS app “mynd” using Swift
The President’s Volunteer Service Award - Gold 2021-2022 2022-2023
AIME Qualifier - Mathematical Association of America 2023 AMC 12A - score: 103.5 2022 AMC 10A - score: 97.5

Space Association

Space Designation Joining date
Ohlone Hacks 2024
Participant Mar 2024