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Quick Introduction

Andre attends a Dublin, CA school in 11th grade.


Contact Information


Andre's coursework includes:
  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP World History
  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • Honors Chemistry
Andre's unweighted GPA is 3.93 and weighted GPA is 4.2.


No skills added



Marketing Intern at SASTIC Recently admitted into this role. I will help advertise the charity and connect it to philanthropists.
Vice President at Armenian Business Leaders I help teach 40+ Armenian students from 3 different states about the principles of business and finance. We are working towards supporting Armenian startups by connecting them with funding and resources in the US. @armbusinessleaders on Instagram.
Social Media Manager at StreetFins I promote the organization while creating financial and investment analysis.
Outreach Director at DHS Entrepreneurship Club I marketed and promoted the club to potential members while managing the club's social media presence. I doubled the club's size to 40+ members.
Chief Financial Officer at TechLit Nonprofit I helped TechLit sign contracts with 2 schools and teach over 150 students about finance, public speaking, and computer science. I established TechLit as a 501(c)3 nonprofit and created its banking system. I applied for grants on behalf of TechLit and obtained over 250 volunteering hours. Our website is:
Director of Finance at GENup Managing financial reporting and grants at GENup, which has rasied tens of thousands.


Fundraising I am the Treasurer for Dublin High's Club Chapter for the FCSN Organization. I helped raise over $200 that was donated to FCSN.
Honor Roll I have received honor roll every semester in high school for my academic accomplishments.
DHS Tech Entrepreneurship Contest Class Winner and Qualifier I led a team of four across 2 class periods in targeting a specific need in my community: Communication between police officers and citizens. I helped to develop an application providing a solution to this problem. My team was the top-most voted team in one class, and qualified for furhter presentations in another

Space Association

Space Designation Joining date
College Advice
Participant Jun 2024
TechLit Nonprofit Hackathon TechLit Nonprofit Hackathon Participant Jun 2024
Armenian Business Leaders
Participant Sep 2024
ABL Business Idea Contest 2024 ABL Business Idea Contest 2024 Participant Sep 2024